If you can, then there may be a job opportunity for you.
Republished from Naked Capitalism.
Help Us Find a New WordPress Person
Posted on July 13, 2014 by Yves Smith
We are looking for a new person to take over WordPress support for Naked Capitalism. Even though our old WordPress person Kristin was technically skilled and did a fine job with the redesign, the professional relationship wasn’t working out.
The difficulty for finding a replacement is that the overwhelming majority of WordPress specialists have never worked on a site like NC. WordPress scales badly and its Achilles heel is its database. Most WordPress support staff have never encountered a site with large databases (close to 12,000 posts and over 500,000 comments) that loads them the way we do (hundreds of updates a day).
Please also bear in mind we are NOT looking for a host. We are happy with our webhost. But WordPress is complicated and breakage prone enough that any site that is run on a professional basis needs a WordPress expert in the mix.
So we need someone with experience in supporting a WordPress site with:
• Very large database that updates very frequently
• Advertising. We use a third party ad service and often have to change ad code and make layout adjustments
Aside from routine support, we also have some projects we’d like to undertake, like fixing categories and tags.
A WordPress specialist also needs to understand that we are in a news-driven business and work constantly to deadlines. So while there are often weeks where there is only routine activity (monitoring site performance and working on non-time-critical assignments), when we have problem, we have a sense of urgency about getting it fixed.
Kristin operated solo, but if the provider was in a small firm (as in had more than one person who could work on our account) that could be even better, particularly if it got us closer to 24/7 support.
If you have any ideas or leads, please e-mail me at yves-at-nakedcapitalism.com, with “WordPress” in the subject line. Thanks!
Anyone interested may benefit from reading this NC post: The Glamorous World of Big Time Blogging.